People are possibly the most
socially complex animals on
earth. The slightest movement
of an eyebrow can have meaning.
Join me as I explain some of the best
tools I have found for improving
one's ability to understand and relate to
other people. In this blog I present tools
from neuroscience, Nonviolent Communication,
Byron Katie, Process Work, and more.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Loving-Kindness for the Holidays

The last easy way to calm that I learned from Greg Crosby and Donald Altman was a meditation for Loving-Kindness. This particular meditation has been clinically studied and shown to be effective for creating high gamma waves in the brain

It helps depression, anxiety, and addiction. You can do it with your eyes open. You don’t need to visualize it: just saying it to yourself works. It goes like this:

May I be safe, happy, healthy, peaceful, and secure.
May my family be safe, happy, healthy, peaceful, and secure.
May my friends be safe, happy, healthy, peaceful, and secure.
May my clubs be safe, happy, healthy, peaceful, and secure.
May my organizations be safe, happy, healthy, peaceful, and secure.
May my world be safe, happy, healthy, peaceful, and secure.
May the world be safe, happy, healthy, peaceful, and secure.
May the environment be safe, happy, healthy, peaceful, and secure.
May all creatures be safe, happy, healthy, peaceful, and secure.

Happy Holidays! I'm off to visit family and friends.
I’ll be back after Christmas.

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